Italy 2009
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Inosanto Academy of Martial Arts
[flv:/video/2009_inosanto_italy.flv 450 337]
[flv:/video/2007capoeira.flv 450 337]
[flv:/video/2007drgyi.flv 450 337]
January 20th, Logan and I were lucky enough to be in DC to witness history. Now is time to rejoice in a new beginning. It is a time when all Americans must work together for the good of our country and all its citizens. We will work for a future of peace and prosperity. We … Read more
Part 1 [flv:/video/2008_thaicamp_01a.flv 450 330] Part 2 [flv:/video/2008_thaicamp_02a.flv 450 330]
Congratulations to IIMAIA Instructors Daniel & Marie On Your Engagement!
Celebrating Black History Month In February! Honoring The Tuskegee Airmen of World War II.