Congratulations To Jesse Kristofferson

On Saturday, Sepbember 2, 2006, Jesse Kristofferson of the Inosanto Academy of Martial Arts, made his first appearance in the world of kickboxing.  The fight was held at Kru Rex’s Gym in Van Nuys, California.

Prior to the fight’s beginning, while the fighters were weighing in, Jesse had his first look at his opponent.  It was clear from the difference in the two fighters’ appearancess that Jesse would have his work cut out for him: his opponent had already tasted the ring several times and felt that Jesse would not give him any problems.  This mistake became evident in the first seconds of the fight.  Although Jesse felt a little intimidated, he set the pace from the moment the bell rang.

Jesse followed his instructions to the “T.”  He touched gloves, took one step back and unloaded his rear leg into his oppponent’s thigh, immediately following up with a straight right cross to the nose, shoving the other figher back into his  corner.  The first attack was just the beginning of his opponent’s problems.  Jesse continued his attack with a barrage that ended when the referee stopped him, allowing the other fighter to escape.  There was shock and disbelief written all over his opponent’s face, as well as blood flowing from his nose.  That was how most of round one continued until its end.  Jesse kept his distance and went on to press several more attacks at will.  During this round, and the two that followed, Jesse utilized a number of knee attacks that truly took the wind out of the other guy, placing him either into a corner or against the ropes, forcing the referee to separate the two fighters.  The only time that Jesse had any difficutly was in the third round, when his head gear slipped, rendering him blind for approximately twenty seconds.  Seeing this, his opponent landed two overhand right combos, dazing Jesse momentarily.  Unfortunatley, this wasn’t enough to save the opponent: Jesse finished the third round once again in control of the ring.  At the end of round three, there was no one at this fight who would dispute who won.

As anyone who has fought would agree, this was no “walk in the park” for Jesse.  He had to work from within himself to overcome any fear he had of his opponent, put insecurity aside and take control of the situation.  That’s exactly what he did from beginning to end.