Twenty-Five Years and Counting for Clay Johnson

Inosanto Academy of Martial Arts
Martial Artists With Disabilities
I received a call from Scott Goodpaster, the Director of Cincinnati Functional Fitness, to produce a Video of him training one of the most inspiring young men. His name is Dustin Carter. Dustin is a Hillsboro High School Wrestler that has no legs or arms, yet he often wins wrestling tournaments and amazes people through … Read more
written by Clay Johnson You may think from the title of this article that if you are physically able to train in the martial arts many years, a person would gain some sense of self-perfection in the art they chose to train in. You would be right in your thinking, but what if a person … Read more
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Joe Singleton with Guro Inosanto 2008 Guro/SiFu Inosanto with IIMAIA longtime Instructor Joe Singleton at recent Seminar, at Trident Academy, July 2008.
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Message from Master Thomas [flv:/vidclips/2007_clay_bb/2007_clay_bb.flv 320 240] I began teaching martial arts in 1978 at the Virginia Baptist Children’s home upon receiving my first black belt at the age of 18. From my first day as a student it was my desire to become the best martial arist I could possibly be. I was able … Read more
Clay Johnson and Ken Chun at the Inosanto Seminar in Woodbridge, VA.