Doggies Need A Home

Call Ryan at (818) 631-4957 or email Alisa at

If you know anyone….they only have 2 weeks to find a  home….

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As many of you know, we are moving in  just 2 weeks. Unfortunately, I have still not been  able to find a good home for Cookie and Coco. We’re not able to take our beloved doggies with us  and I’ve been desperately trying to find a home for both of them ‘together’. They were raised  together and pine without each other. The Lab rescue  have already said that they would probably separate  them, so this is my last resort. Recently I  tried to take Coco out in my car alone and she TOTALLY  refused to even get into the car without Cookie…..!!!!  She absolutely pulled back on her haunches until Cookie was by her side. Both doggies are in great health, have been spayed and have ID chips implanted  under the skin. Cookie turned 3 December 10th and Coco will be 3 April 1st. Cookie is my mellow-yellow, and  just loves her tummy rubbed. Coco is adorably funny  and lives for her “ball”. She also loves  the water….. Cookie loves lots of attention. Both  doggies are loyal and love to walk. They have been  raised with my 3 kids running around all over the place,  and have survived Sammy’s constant hugging and  love of ‘dress-up’, so they are fantastic family  dogs.

This is by far one of the most difficult decisions I have ever had to make, but under the circumstances  I have no choice. Please, Please forward these pics  to all you know and help me find a great home for  these fabulous doggies. They are just adorable and it’s heartbreaking to let them go. In a perfect  world, I hope that we could find someone local so that we can still keep in touch and visit them. I pray  that someone, somewhere can help us keep Cookie and Coco together, and love them just as much as we   do. Thank you all from the bottom of my heart.

Best Regards,


Pet Connect Rescue

December 3, 2008  On The Record W/Greta Van Susteren
You all know how much I love animals….and this is my favorite charity….I know these volunteers and I have seen what they do for animals…if you could give just $10 (or even $5) it would help (and to make this more fun, if you all total donate $500 today, I will match the $500! So get going…you have 24 hours….just click below…donate a few dollars …..incidentally, I also gave last week because they do such great things at PetConnect Rescue…
And read below – the note below I had emailed to me…. The note is about SNOWFLAKE! What a great mother she is!
This is Snowflake. She and her kittens were found living outside in the cold. Abandoned and forgotten like so many other cats. Snowflake managed to continue to care for her kittens even though she was tired, hungry and homeless. Humans could learn a few things from the acts of loyalty and devotion displayed by animals. Luckily, this mama cat’s efforts to keep her babies alive were not in vain. A kind stranger discovered the family and contacted PetConnect Rescue. This mother and her young kittens are examples of some of the wonderful cats that are available for adoption right now. The population of neglected and discarded cats is truly overwhelming. While the plight of homeless dogs is dismal, the situation for cats is even worse. There is a very urgent demand for more foster families and potential adopters. Animal lovers must not forget that cats deserve to be rescued too!
Snowflake kept her babies as safe as she possibly could during those difficult first weeks. PetConnect Rescue plans to help her keep them safe forever.
To learn more about PetConnect please visit our website at
Thank you. Click here to see other pets…and what you can do to help….just $10 from you can help!
Searching for the perfect gift for an animal lover that you know? Make a contribution to save homeless animals in honor of a special family member, friend or pet! Check out PetConnect’s website for details! Don’t forget to mention that Greta sent you!

Read more and check out more photos, exclusive videos, and articles on GretaWire!

Walk Now For Autism



On Sunday, May 3rd, 2009, Grapplers Quest has created and sponsored
a team to raise money for Autism Awareness and much needed financial
support for research and hopefully, one day, a cure
and or preventative treatment.

Please help in any way you can, go to:

See you on the mats soon!

Brian Cimins
CEO, Grapplers Quest
“World’s Largest Grappling Events”

Rockin4 Tabitha3

Hi to all Friends of Tabitha:


We are very happy to report that this years event raised more than 13 thousand dollars, thanks to your support.

Jeff Ritskes our co-team leader has been doing his own fundraising for his group that will be building with us, and they have raised close to
15 thousand dollars.

Our goal this year is to build 20 houses. Thanks to you we have surpassed that goal. Monies above and beyond the cost of our 20 houses, and the $1,500 that is left in a general fund for the village, will go towards wells, pigs, bikes, school costs for kids.

Thanks again
watch the blog starting in late january for reports from the field
Bob Carver and Wendy Cunning
Rockin4Tabitha organizers

Thai Boxing Association USA Announcement

Thai Boxing Association USA Announcement.

It is with sadness that we report Ajarn Surachai “Chai” Sirisute’s mother has passed away.

Ajarn Chai will be in Thailand, returning to the states in early 2009.

Condolences to Ajarn Chai and the Sirisute Family may may be sent in care of The Inosanto Academy of Martial Arts.