Remembering GM Leo Giron
Remember GM Leo Giron On his birthday August 20th by doing something kind for someone. GM Giron you are loved and missed.
Inosanto Academy of Martial Arts
Remember GM Leo Giron On his birthday August 20th by doing something kind for someone. GM Giron you are loved and missed.
Remembering With Love – Sifu Larry Hartsell [flv:/video/2008_hartsell_rip.flv 320 240]
Congratulations to IIMAIA Instructor Diana Rathborne (Minnesota Kali Group)on her promotion to Full Instructor under Ajarn Chai Sirisute in the Thai Boxing Association.
Congratulations to IIMAIA Instuctor Phil and Amanda Norman on the birth of their son Xavier.
Dan and Paula Inosanto Students of The Inosanto Academy and Instructors of The Inosanto International Martial Art Association Send Good Wishes and Prayers For A Speedy Recovery Of Katie Degerberg, wife of Martiall Art Great, Fred Degerberg and Co-Founder of the famous Degerberg Academy, Chicago, Illinois
Long Time Inosanto Academy Student and Instructor Michael Mercado is now living in the Philipines and Will be a contributing writer here at Your journey begins now with “Michael in Lapu Lapu Land“.
The Keysi Fighting Method or KFM co-founded by Inosanto International Martial Art Instructors Association Instructors, Justo Dieguez Serrano and Andy Norman is featured in the summer’s blockbuster, Batman sequel THE DARK KNIGHT.
June 20, 2008 The happy couple IIMAIA Instructor Rick Faye (MKG) and new bride Marla!!
Affliction Winner Josh Barnett on July 20, 2008.