Kali’s Blade

written by Michelle Bautista

About the author
Gura Michelle Bautista
The Kamatuuran School Of Kali

Otherwise known here as the webmistress, Gura Michelle Bautista has been training in the School of Kamatuuran Kali since 1994. She has done Kali demonstrations and lectures throughout the San Francisco Bay Area including at SF State, Pacific Association of Women Martial Artists Bay Area Demo, Arkipelago Books, and EBMud Asian Pacific Heritage Celebration.

She received 2nd place in the US national women open forms division at the WEKAF (World Escrima Kali Arnis Federation) championships and 3rd place in the international competition held in Cebu City, Philippines in August 2000.

By day she works as a Macintosh Technical Support person at UC Berkeley, her alma mater. Along with being a martial artist she is also a writer. Her work has been published in several anthologies, including “Babaylan:Anthology of Filipina Writers.”

Pencak Silat – Through My Eyes

written by Herman Suwanda

This is a complete presentation of the principles and applications of one of the most effective martial arts styles, written by one of the most sought-after Silat masters of all time, the late Herman Suwanda. The book explores the art and science of the Indonesian combat method. There is a detailed breakdown of the offensive and defensive skills used in Pencak Silat, and the tactical elements of timing, distance, rhythm, cadence, and tempo. The unique principles and techniques of Silat as taught by the late Herman Suwanda are fully described in this authoritative book. It is a true gem by one of the legendary masters of Pencak Silat.

Pendekar Herman Suwanda made his journey to America from the remote villages and jungles of Indonesia. Only after his arrival in America would the public learn more about Indonesia and its rich martial art culture. Pendekar Herman opened the doors to the world about Pencak Silat and became one of the leading authorities on many different systems of Indonesian fighting martial arts. He had the true “Eye of the Tiger,” but also had the heart of a lion. He was a man with the ability to talk to and communicate with thousands of people through his art and his physical ability. He will always serve as a perfect role model.

Order Online Today

The Winning Mind Set

written by Jim Brault and Kevin Seaman

Ever Wonder Why You Don’t Always Meet Your Potential?

New Book Creates A Toolbox For Excellence.

The Winning Mind Set, a new book written by Jim Brault and Kevin Seaman is geared toward making YOU better at whatever you seek to accomplish. These two previously published authors from New York have teamed up to teach the reader how to gain a significant Mental Edge and the Winning Mind Set necessary in order to achieve at levels they’ve never experienced before.

We all have incredible potential. So, why is it that we don’t always live up to our potential? Why is there often a difference between what we can do and what we actually do? In what ways can we maximize our potential in those areas of our lives that are important to us? What are the instrumental keys that create that personal success in all our endeavors?

That is what this book is all about. The Winning Mind SetTM is a set of proven tools and techniques to help you UNLEASH the Power of Your Mind, and tap into your incredible potential. It is a compilation of approaches presented in a way that is designed to be both easy to understand and easy to put into action, a toolbox codified into the acronym BEHAVIORTM.

The Winning Mind Set by Jim Brault and Kevin Seaman. Over four years was dedicated in the preparation and polish of this amazing book.

The first printing is now available with A Winning Mind Set!

Have an absolutely amazing week.

Check out web site at: www.thewinningmindset.com

Tony Somera

Bahala Na “Come What May”
created by GME Leo Giron, one of the original “bladed warriors” and a true World War II Hero.

Giron Arnis Escrima system composed of 20 styles:

1. De Fondo – Fighting in a planed position
2. Abanico – Fanning style
3. De salon – Hit and Run style
4. Abierta – Open body style
5. Sonkete – Poking style
6. Retirada – Retreating style
7. Elastico – Rubber band style
8. Fondo Fuerta – Planed in solid position
9. Contra Compas – Off beat timing style
10. Redonda – Circular style
11. Combate Adentro – Inside fighting
12. Tero Grave – Killing strike style
13. Macabebe – Double weapon style
14. Tero Pisada – Heavy striking style
15. Media Media – Half-Half style
16. Cadena de mano – Empty hand style
17. Escapo – Parrying style
18. Bolante – Vertical style
19. Miscla Contras – Multiple opponents
20. Larga Mano – Long weapon or killer style

These secrets now lie in the strong and capable hands of the heir to the Giron Arnis Escrima and Bahala Na Systems, Grand Master Tony Somera.

As a direct result of superior skill and devotion to the principles, philosophy, and purpose of Bahala Na Martial Arts combined with leadership and his master level instructorship, Master Tony Somera was promoted to the rand and responsibility of Grand Master by the late Grand Master and founder of Bahala Na Martial Arts Leo M. Giron. Grand Master Somera is the leading authority and promotes the art of Giron Arnis Escrima along with its rich Filipino history and culture. Tony Somera is the only person ever to be promoted to the rank of Master and then Grand Master by the late Grand Master Emeritus Leo M. Giron.

I have always found GM Tony to be a very skilled and knowledgeable instructor in the Bahala Na system. GM Tony has the integrity, morality, and honesty needed to lead the Bahala Na Martial Arts system for future generations.

-Dan Inosanto

An opportunity to train with Grand Master Somera, the heir of the Giron Arnis Escrima. Hand picked and groomed by the late GME Leo Giro, founder and creator of the Giron Arnis Escrima system. Grand Master Somera has over thirty six years of martial arts experience and twenty five years of continual classroom and personal training experience with GME Giron.

Grand Master Somera now offers an opportunity to those that would like to learn this combat proven art that was personally taught to him by the late World War II Hero and Filipono Martial art GME Giron. Included in Grand Master Somera’s martial art teaching is the rich Filipino culture and history that was given to him by GME Giron. Carrying on in its true tradition, integrity and understanding of Giron Arnis Escrima. Grand Master Somera also offers a certified affiliate program that is taught in a set curriculum that was created by Grand Master for those who are willing to learn and are unable to attend regular classes in Stockton, California. This is a step by step learning curriculum that was created by Grand Master Somera and GME Giron.

For fees and requirements for hosting a seminar, training camp, private lessons, or to apply for The Official Bahala Na Systems International Certified Affiliate program, please contact:

Tony Somera
Grand Master
P.O. Box 8584
Stockton, CA 95208




Rene Latosa

Rene Latosa is an Escrima instructor with over 30 years of experience. He started his training at the first Escrima Academy established by Angel Cabales and Maximo Sarmiento in his hometown of Stockton, CA. He had the rare opportunity to not only learn from such greats as Angel and Max but world-renowned instructors such as Leo Giron and Dentoy Revilar. He later studied intensively from his own Father, (who had kept his knowledge secret from his son until he felt was ready to learn), several unique and effective Filipino combat fighting systems.

The Filipino martial art system Latosa developed and teaches is basically a method of educating students on how to understand ones body in relationship to movement. This system is a blend of the attributes which makes the many different systems of the Filipino martial arts similar. The basic system is based on five concepts – balance, focus, power, speed (timing and distance) and transition. The student must understand these concepts, then apply them to techniques, and adapt them to pre-fight, fight and post-fight situations. The student then knows and realizes what they (their body) can do in a given situation, and to depend on a techniques. It is the person behind the techniques and not the technique that makes it works. Latosa like to blend the balance of simple movements with complex concepts creating an avenue where the student has to think instead of copy.

When Rene left the Stockton area he had the opportunity to introduce the Filipino art to various Police SWAT Teams and to the Air Force Security forces in the Virginia area while stationed in the Air Force. Rene was later stationed in Europe where he is the first person to introduce and teach the Filipino martial arts to England and Europe. He eventually authored a book both in English and German, spent three years developing Escrima in England and Europe and eventually headed the largest organization of Escrima practitioners in Europe. Used to multi-tasking, he did this while serving his time in the US Air Force where he played football and was on the boxing team.

Today, Latosa travels throughout the US and Europe giving seminars, still multi-tasking, Rene holds a full time job as a Deputy Administrator for Management Services at the SF Housing Authority, this is after his retirement from the Federal Government as Director of Contracting. He is married and has three daughters. More information is at his website at: www.escrima-concepts.com.