Wally Jay

The Founder of Small Circle Ju Jitsu

Growing up in the art of Kodenkan Danzan-Ryu Jujitsu, I had heard the name “Professor Wally Jay” before, but I did not actually meet him until I was in my mid-twenties and training with Guro Dan Inosanto at his Culver City school on Washington Blvd.
Sometime in the early 1980’s, Professor Wally Jay happened to be in the area and stopped by to see “Bruce Lee’s student,” Dan Inosanto. It was one of those “after-class moments” and Professor Jay happened to use me to demonstrate how his Small Circle Theory could be applied to virtually all techniques to increase their effectiveness and speed of application. To say that he flung me around effortlessly would be an understatement! Not only was I impressed with the intense pain, speed and effectiveness of the locks, I was even more impressed by the flow the Professor was able to do. The lock flows seemed to fit in perfectly with the weapons flow that I was learning from Guro Dan.

Guro Dan Inosanto (on left) and Tim Tackett (right
Take a break with Professor Jay at Camp Danzan-Ryu.

Professor Wally jay demonstrates some of the painful
“fine points” of a wrist lock to Guro Dan and tim Tackett.

Over the next several years Prof. Jay visited the Inosanto Academy on many occasions to hold seminars and share his expertise with Guro Dan and his students. It was easy to tell that Professor Jay respected Guro Dan and his accomplishments. From Guro Dan’s side, Professor Jay was like a grandfather. I had the pleasure of hosting Professor Jay while he was in Los Angeles. He stayed at my apartment in Santa Monica, and we had some great times as he reminisced about growing up in Hawaii, training in Jujitsu with Prof. Henry S. Okazaki, his early years in Judo, and the evolution of his Small Circle system of Jujitsu.
In 1988, Professor Jay asked me to be in his book, “Small Circle Jujitsu,” published by Ohara Publications. I had the privilege of being on the receiving end of many of his techniques. He also asked me to write the actual technique descriptions for all of the photo sequences.
I have reproduced the short introduction from his book, so that interested students can learn about Professor Jay’s history and background in more detail:
Professor Wally Jay is the Grandmaster of Jujitsu America. He is ranked as a tenth dan in jujitsu and a sixth dan in judo. In 1969 he was inducted into BLACK BELT magazine’s Hall of Fame. Born in Honolulu, Hawaii on June 15, 1917 of Chinese descent, Jay spent his early years as a sheltered and frail child. At the age of 11, he turned to a community boxing program in the hope of gaining much needed confidence, direction, and sense of personal security.
Under Jimmy Mitchell he learned the basics of boxing and a great deal more. Perhaps this is where he learned how great an impact instructors can actually have on their students–a lesson not lost on the talented Chinese-Hawaiian over the years, nor forgotten as he progressed through his martial arts studies.
In 1935 Jay turned to jujitsu under Paul Kaelemakule. Then in 1938-39 while attending Oregon State College, he studied boxing under coach Jim Dixon. By 1940, he was back in Hawaii, studying jujitsu again. This time, howeve, it was under the tutelage of Juan Gomez, a top disciple of Henry S. Okazaki. By 1944, Jay had received his first-degree black belt in Danzan Ryu jujitsu, and the following year, he was awarded his second-degree black belt along with his instructor’s certificate from Gomez. Since it was mandatory for the new instructors to know massage and how to care for injuries, Jay also received his masseur’s diploma from Okazaki.
It was also during this time that the young marital artist began studying judo under Hawaiian champion Ken Kawachi. It is Kawachi whom Jay credits with stressing the use of decisive wrist action that would later become one of the primary focal points in his Small-Circle Theory Jujitsu.

Guro Dan Inosanto (center) ?being the student?
as Professor Wally Jay demonstrates at Camp Danzan-Ryu.

Guro Dan Inosanto practices the Small Circle Theory
as Professor Jay looks on.

In 1950, Jay moved form Hawaii to Northern California where he began teaching judo. While the first few years were difficult, he went on to excel in judo as an instructor and a coach, so much so that within a decade, he had produced many local, regional, national, and international champions in the traditional sport. By the early 1960s, Jay received his third-degree black belt rank in judo and was also named Judo Coach of the Year.
In 1962 Jay attracted the attention of a 22-year old martial artist from Seattle named Bruce Lee. Lee was amazed how someone with little formal training in judo could go on to produce champions. However. from the many long hours that Lee spent at Jay’s dojo (training hall) with friend Jimmy Lee, the legendary martial artist saw the value of Jay’s broad background in the fighting arts. Jay had adopted various techniques from boxing, wrestling, judo, kung fu, weightlifting and jujitsu, and brought them together in what he called his Small Circle Theory Jujitsu. Like Jay and his innovative instructors before him, Bruce Lee knew that talent, technique, and style knew no traditional boundaries and that excellence carried no single banner or flag. The three martial artists spent many long hours exchanging theories, fighting principles, and techniques, and over the following years, a strong bond of trust and friendship developed. As their reputations grew, they remained friends, and while Bruce Lee went on to take Hollywood, Hong Kong, and the martial arts world by storm, Wally Jay established the ten principles that would set his mark in the world of jujitsu.
Since 1979 Professor Wally Jay has devoted all of his time to Small-Circle Jujitsu instruction, holding clinics in England, France, Norway, Sweden, West Germany, Holland, Singapore, Tahiti, Costa Rica, Mexico, Australia, New Zealand and Scotland, as well as throughout the United States and Canada.
Jay was also the team captain of the U.S. representative team that took part in a cultural exchange program to the People’s Republic of China. In 1985, his exhibitions with Jim Silvan at the International Wushu Championships in Xian, China, drew high praise and applause from those present. It was after that demonstration that Jay was singled out by three prominent Asian sports magazines, and as a result, was later invited to return to China.
From his lifetime of contributions to jujitsu and the martial arts, Jay has received numerous honors and awards. He is a recipient of the National AAU Bud Estes Pionieer Memorial Award, has had a classroom named after him in Alameda, California, and in 1965, was named the city’s Man of the Year. For his efforts in his community, Jay also received the Mayor’s Medallion, joining such prestigious company as the late President John F. Kennedy and the late Minnesota politician and former Vice-President Hubert Humphrey.
In 1982 Wally Jay was honored at a dinner in Waikiki, Hawaii, by former students, with a long list of notable friends in attendance, including Richard Kim, Ed Parker, Pat McCarthy, Ken Kawachi, Don Jacob and Juan Gomez. Leonard Lim, representing the Governor of California, presented Jay with a special Governor’s Proclamation honoring his service and contributions to California. With all these honors and awards the truly humble and talented martial artiest remains firm in praising the many other pioneers in the field who have helped or influenced his own career–pioneers, who Jay says, deserve recognition as well.
In this regard, Wally Jay is behind a drive to find a sponsor to support a “Jujitsu Hall of Fame” in order to recognize those who have contributed so much to the betterment of this fighting art. Jay is sincerely interested in giving something back to the art he feels has given him so much.

Guro Dan Inosanto and his wife, Paula, with
Professor Wally Jay (on left)

Professor Wally Jay at a seminar
in Santa Monica in the mid-1960?s

In addition to maintaining an active and full-traveling seminar schedule, Professor Wally Jay serves as the technical advisor to a number of national and international jujitsu organizations and associations. He is a grandfather several times over and presently resides in Alameda.


Professor Wally Jay’s system has the following major elements:
1. Balance
2. Mobility and stability
3. Avoid the collision of head-on forces
4. Mental resistance and distraction
5. Focus on the smallest point possible (proper direction of force)
6. Energy Transfer
7. Create a base
8. Sticking, control and sensitivity
9. Rotational momentum
10. Transitional flow

Professor Wally Jay – still ready at age 86.

The Small Tightening Circle:

This principle is the essence behind the entire system. The centuries- old traditional big circular movements are caused by the push or pull action of the wrists. When applied, these larger circular movements allow the attacker a larger area of escape. Conversely, the small circular movement caused by the push and pull wrist action, allows the attacker less time and less room to escape. This condensed movement speeds the defender’s application time and reduces the reaction time of the attacker. The speed is directly related to the size of the circle. The tighter and smaller the circle, the quicker the application and the smaller the area of escape.

From No Pain To Pain Involves a Tiny Movement:

The intensified action to a smaller base creates excruciating pain and it can be pinpointed more accurately because of the wrist action of push and pull. The defender is able to control the degree of pain he desires to inflict. From no pain to pain involves a tiny movement of the finger, wrist or palm. It may be a controlled submission hold, which may be painless when the hold is released, or result in broken bones or dislocated joints when the action is intensified, or one that produces partial strangulation or unconsciousness depending on the defender’s discretion.

The physics of this principle are actually quite simple. (See diagrams 1a. and 1b.) The forces behind classical jujutsu come from one direction, whereas this system applies force from two opposite directions causing spiralling and tightening circle.

NOTE: Earlier this year (2003) Professor Wally Jay officially retired at age 86. His son, Leon Jay, is an accomplished martial artist in his own right and has inherited the Small Circle System from his father.

Professor Wally Jay ties up Mike Belzer
using his famous “pretzel hold.”

Bill McGrath

Tuhon Bill McGrath began his training in the Pekiti-Tirsia system under Grand Tuhon Leo T. Gaje in 1975 at the age of 14; and received his 1st Level Instructorship (Guro) at the age of 20. In 1982 Grand Master Gaje moved his family to Texas and invited Guro McGrath to operate the National Headquarters School of Pekiti-Tirsia with him. Guro McGrath operated the National Headquarters School from 1982 to 1985. In 1985 he returned to New York and was offered a position as a New York State Court Officer. In 1987 Guro McGrath was promoted by Grand Tuhon Gaje to the rank of Maginõo (Elder). In 1994 Grand Tuhon Leo Tortal Gaje promoted Mr. McGrath to the rank of Tuhon Guro (Chief Instructor), the first person outside the Tortal family to attain such rank in the Pekiti-Tirsia System. In 1994 Grand Tuhon Gaje and Tuhon McGrath formed Pekiti-Tirsia International, the governing body for practitioners of the Pekiti-Tirsia International System worldwide.

Today Tuhon McGrath is President of Pekiti-Tirsia International as well as the Chief Impact Weapons Instructor for the New York State Court System and author of the New York State Court Officers Defensive Tactics manual. He is certified by the F.B.I. as a Police Defense Tactics Instructor and by the State of New York as a Police Firearms Instructor (pistol) and is a Life member of the NRA.

For more information on the Tuhon McGrath and the
Pekiti-Tirsia system, please go to: http://pekiti.com/

Bill Gebhardt

Bill Gebhardt was the head instructor and founder of the State College Martial Arts Academy in State College, Pennsylvania. Mr. Gebhardt’s martial arts training spanned over twenty years.

At the age of 16, Bill started in the martial arts as part of Sifu Kevin Seaman’s private backyard group. He diligently focused and developed into a professional in the fields of martial arts and business. He was Kevin Seaman’s Senior Most student, and holds a Full Instructor credential in both Jun Fan Gung Fu/JKD and the Filipino Martial Arts under Sifu Seaman.

Bill Gebhardt received his instructor certification in Jun Fan Gung Fu and Jeet Kune Do in 1992 under Sifu Dan Inosanto, the man personally chosen by Bruce Lee to carry on the art and philosophy of Jeet Kune Do. Bill also held an instructor credential in Filipino Martial Arts under Guro Inosanto, which he also received in 1992.

Competitively, Bill fought in full-contact stick fighting matches on regional, national and international levels. He placed second in his division in full-contact stick fighting at the world Championships in January 1992, which were held at the Aquino Memorial Stadium in Manila, Philippines. As a competitive coach and trainer, he trained dozens of fighters in amateur Thai Boxing, boxing, Shoot Wrestling, and contact stick fighting. He acted as a guiding light for students and competitors of all ages.

Bill Gebhardt was a certified instructor in Thai Boxing under Master Surachai Sirisute, President and Founder of the Thai Boxing Association of the U.S.A., and served as the Pennsylvania State Representative for the TBA.

A boxing coach and instructor, Bill was certified through USA Boxing, the nation’ largest amateur governing body. In 1993, he was voted the State College Jaycee’s Outstanding Fitness Leader of 1993-1994. He was the proud father of an 8 year old son, Jordan – his most prized accomplishment.

Francis Fong

Sifu Francis Fong has over 30 years experience in Wing Chun Kung Fu and is considered by many to be one of the finest Wing Chun instructors in the U.S.A. Beginning his study under Sifu Jiu Wan in Hong Kong back in 1965, he later decided to share his knowledge and passion for training in the arts by moving to the United States. In 1973, he traveled to New York, relocating two years later to Atlanta, GA. It was at this time, he opened the Francis Fong Martial Arts Academy. While working on the movie “Sharky’s Machine” in 1981, in Atlanta, Sifu Francis met recognized martial arts legend Guro Dan Inosanto, who later introduced him to the studies of: Jun Fan Gung Fu/Jeet Kune Do and the Filipino martial arts.

He is currently the ‘Georgia Representative’ for Guro Dan Inosanto with full ‘Senior Instructor’ rankings in both Filipino Martial Arts and Jun Fan Gung Fu (JKD Concepts).

Additionally, Sifu Francis is an instructor in Muay Thai and is recognized as the ‘Director of the Southeastern Region’ for the Thai Boxing Association U.S.A. under the direction of Ajarn (Master) “Chai” Sirisute.

Sifu Francis is an honorable member of the Defensive Tactics Instructor Association of the state of Georgia and has been a certified ‘Head Police Defensive Tactics Instructor,’ whom has trained police officers, S.W.A.T. teams, and “ Fort Benning Rangers” in close quarters tactics.

Due to his diverse background and experience, the U.S. Army sought his help in updating Army training manuals to include principles in the arts of: Wing Chun, Muay Thai and Filipino Kali. He maintains ‘Special Deputy Sheriff’ classification in the Training/Special Operations Division in the state of South Carolina.

Over the years, Sifu Francis has trained many students across the globe, including the personally training of several well-known celebrities and professional athletes. He has also served as a consultant to a wide array of industry-related venues. He has been multi-featured in various martial arts publications, including “Inside Kung Fu” magazine, of which the 1988 feature nominated him for “Instructor of the Year.”

Later, in April of 1999, “Inside Kung Fu” magazine featured “Sifu Francis Fong: Teaching Old Arts to a New Generation”. (See Articles & Affiliations) In 1999, the Francis Fong Academy gained worldwide recognition by Martialinfo.com for the Golden and Black Belt Award for Web Site design, which it won alongside Jet Li’s official site.

Sifu Francis is also well known for his knowledge in Eastern healing tec hniques. In recent years, he conducted “The Winning Mindset Workshop” with Keynote Speaker Jim Brault. This workshop, held for Eastman Kodak Company executives, focused on bridging anatomy and physiology when applied to the dynamics of martial arts.

As a healer, he applies various manipulative techniques using sensitivity, strength, and balance to promote and direct the Qi (chi/energy) throughout the body’s Qi channels. In this way, the Qi can flow in a balanced and unobstructed manner, thereby optimizing the patient’s holistic health and maintaining a strong sense of well-being. Sifu’s clientele includes a diverse background of people, ranging from both sports personalities to executives and pilots for NetJets, Inc.

Additionally, Sifu Fong conducts the popular seminar “Energy for Health – Oriental Perspective,” which demonstrates control of energy techniques and using energy to improve the total well being of the client – mind, body and spirit. Sifu’s seminar is an integral part of the Labyrinz Human Empowerment Training Workshops, held at the LifeSpan Health Center in Hilton Head Island, SC.

Additional information on the LifeSpan Health Center can be found on the internet at www.labyrinz.com and www.lifespanhealthcenter.com.

Sifu Fong’s dynamic teaching style and warm personality make both his classes and seminars a wonderful learning experience for all.

Erik Paulson

For the last twenty-two years, Erik Paulson has studied the art of grappling. Having gained worldwide fame competing in many pay-per-view, no-holds-barred tournaments, he is now undefeated in Japan where he is the World Light-Heavyweight Shootwrestling Champion.
Furthermore, Mr. Paulson has spent the last decade training under such noted instructors as the Machado Brothers, Rickson Gracie, Larry Hartsell, Yorinaga Nakamura, Gene Lebell and the legendary Guro Dan Inosanto.

Erik’s system blends Judo, Freestyle Wrestling and Greco-Roman Wrestling with techniques and submissions from Shootwrestling, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, Sambo and Catchascatchcan. Erik is famous for his unbelievable repertoire of submission holds and is recognized as a virtual encyclopedia of leg locks.

In addition to his skill as a fighter, Erik’s reputation as an outstanding grappling instructor make him extremely in-demand for both National and International seminars.

Lucia Rijker




Name: Lucia Rijker

Birth Date: December 06, 1967

Birth Place: Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Living Place: Los Angeles, CA, USA

Height: 5’6″

Weight: 140 lbs

Record Boxing: 17-0 (14 KO’s)

Record Kickboxing: 37-0 (25 KO’s)


16 Wins, 0 Loss, 14 Knockouts – 2 World titles

  • 2004
    • 05-20 — Deborah Fettkether, Amsterdam, Netherlands, W 10
  • 2003
    • 06-21 — Jane Couch, Los Angeles, CA, W 8
  • 2002
    • 02-16 — Shakurah Witherspoon, Uncasville, CT, W TKO 4
  • 1999
    • 08-28 — Diane Mary Dutra, Las Vegas, NV, W TKO 3
    • 04-18 — Britt Van Buskirk, Miami, FL, W TKO 3
  • 1998
    • 09-26 — Marcela Acuna, Uncasville, CT, W TKO 5
    • 06-25 — Lisa Ested, Ledyard, CT, W KO 4
    • 03-23 — Mary Ann Almager, Ledyard, CT, W TKO 1
  • 1997
    • 11-20 — Jeanette Witte, Los Angeles, CA, W TKO 3
    • 09-13 — Andrea DeShong, Las Vegas, NV, W TKO 3
    • 06-14 — Gwen Smith, Biloxi, MS, W TKO 4
    • 05-14 — Dora Webber, Ledyard, CT, W 6
    • 03-22 — Chevelle Hallback, Corpus Christi, TX, W TKO 5
    • 02-04 — Irma Verhoef, Rotterdam, Netherlands, W TKO 4
  • 1996
    • 12-17 — Zsuzsanna Szuknai, Rotterdam, Netherlands, W TKO 1
    • 12-06 — Kelly Jacobs, Reno, NV, W TKO 1
    • 03-21 — Melinda Robinson, Los Angeles, CA, W KO 1

Lucia Rijker

“A True Champion”

5’6″ junior welterweight Lucia Rijker of Holland, now living in Los Angeles, California, may be the world’s most dangerous female fighter on a pound-for-pound basis. She has been referred to as “The Most Dangerous Woman in the World,” “Queen of Lightning,” “Lady Ali,” and “The Dutch Destroyer.”

Born in Amsterdam on December 6, 1967, Rijker began training in judo at the age of six.

At seven, she became a member of the Dutch National Softball Team. At thirteen, she took up fencing and won the Amsterdam championship, going on to become the Netherlands’ junior champion.

Rijker began kickboxing at age fifteen, studying in the gym of Johan Vos, one of the most respected training facilities in Holland and training primarily with male kickboxing, boxing and judo champions. She burst into prominence in the kickboxing world in her sixth match on January 15, 1984 … disabling veteran American champion Lilly Rodriguez (sister of then world champion kickboxer Benny “The Jet” Urquidez) just 30 seconds into a scheduled five-round fight with powerful kicks to the legs.

Rijker gained an international reputation as a kickboxer, fighting in Europe and Japan. She defeated then-world titleholder Cheryl Wheeler of the USA by decision in Amsterdam on October 6 1985 (and is considered responsible for helping to persuade Cheryl to retire, by breaking her nose in that fight!) She also defeated French champion Nancy Joseph in three rounds, Master Toddy’s British star Ann Holmes in 30 seconds in Amsterdam on April 26, 1986, and the skilled French kickboxer Danielle Rocard in just 15 seconds in Arnhem on February 14, 1988.

Bonnie Canino lasted a full seven rounds against Lucia in a clinch-filled affair but lost the decision, while Valerie Henin was dispatched by her in four rounds in Amsterdam on November 8, 1987 (though not without a struggle).

Lucia eventually amassed a 36-0 (25 KO) record as a kickboxer, and won four different world titles.

Her only defeat in a kickboxing ring was in a Muay Thai style exhibition match at Sporthalle Zuid in Amsterdam in October 1994, when Lucia fought male Thai boxer Somchai Jaidee, who knocked her out in the second round.

It was time for something new … regular boxing …

In Amsterdam on June 19, 1988, she had knocked out Vivien Gonzalez of the USA in the third round of a scheduled 12-round boxing match.

Her pro boxing career resumed on March 21, 1996 at Los Angeles’ Grand Olympic Auditorium, where she made her US boxing debut by knocking out Melinda Robinson of Austin, Texas at 1:37 in the first round. Rijker quickly rendered Robinson helpless with several rights and left hooks. One minute into the fight, she knocked Robinson down with a flurry of blows that opened a cut above the Texan’s left eye. After a standing eight count gave Robinson some breathing space, Rijker put her away with a combination of uppercuts followed by a left hook to the jaw. Robinson, who fought (and lost) to Christy Martin twice, has been quoted as saying that Christy Martin’s hardest punches don’t even compare to Rijker’s softest blows!

Lucia TKO’d Kelly Jacobs of Kansas City in the first round in Reno, Nevada on December 6, 1996.

Rijker then decided to go back to Holland and test her boxing skills further. She defeated Zsuzsanna Szuknai of Hungary by a first round TKO in Rotterdam on December 17, 1996 (Szuknai has since fought in amateur competitions in Europe!) and captured the WIBF European Championship from Irma Verhoef of Holland with a fourth round TKO in Rotterdam on February 4, 1997.

Now confident in her abilities as a pro boxer, Rijker was hungry for a championship fight in the United States.

On a March 22, 1997 pay-per-view event at Meorial Coliseum in Corpus Christi, Texas, Rijker knocked out then-novice (1-0) Chevelle Hallback of Tampa, Florida in the fifth round. (Fight report). Chevelle later told me that she had no idea that she would be fighting someone of Rijker’s background and experience when she accepted this fight contract.

On May 14, 1997, Rijker fought gritty Dora Webber of Paterson, NJ in Ledyard Connecticut and won a sixth-round unanimous (60-54 x 3) decision. Webber, a veteran of tough bouts in the mid-1980’s, was heavier and strong, but gave away ten years, basic skills, speed and power to Rijker.

After this first points win of her pro boxing career, Lucia said it was a new experience being in the ring with a heavier woman who liked to fight inside. She also stated her interest in fighting Christy Martin.

On June 14, 1997 at Grand Casino in Biloxi, Mississippi, Rijker did away with a very game but outclassed Gwen Smith by a TKO with 1:10 left in the fourth round. According to the fight report on the Women’s Boxing Page, the end came when “Gwen led with a looping right toward Lucia’s head. Lucia ducked under and weaved to the left and threw a left hook, to the head over Gwen’s extended right. Gwen’s right knee collapsed and she went over backwards, her neck fortunately landed on the bottom rope. The ref pushed Lucia backed to her corner. He turned to Gwen, who was trying to clear the cobwebs and gain some coordination to get up, when he stopped the fight with 1:10 left in the round.”

Lucia then defeated Andrea DeShong by a third-round TKO in Las Vegas on September 13.

Lucia (136 lbs) won the WIBF Super Lightweight title in her ninth pro fight when she easily defeated Germany’s Jeanette Witte (135 1/2 lbs) by third-round TKO in Los Angeles on November 20, 1997. The fight was stopped by the referee at 1:25 in the third after a bloodied Witte was knocked down.

The Rijker’s undefeated record and clearly superior skills and abilities made her the subject of television specials by ABC’s Wide World of Sports and HBO’s Boxing Series, and more talk of a superfight with Christy Martin, who was then the icon of women’s boxing to the sports media in the USA.

Lucia Rijker’s next fight was the first women’s bout to be seen on prime time network TV in the USA (albeit in a “death slot” opposite the Academy Awards). Weighing in at 139 1/2 lbs, she TKO’d former WIBF super welterweight champion Mary Ann Almager (140 lbs) at 1:03 of the first round on March 23, 1998 at Foxwoods Casino in Ledyard, CT. Almager, a 5’9″ southpaw with a solid record (9-1 with 7 KO’s) had been seen as an opponent who might test Lucia, but it was not to be. Almager seemed nervous and had been out of the ring since her bloody defeat by Valerie Henin Wiet; she was also coming off knee surgery and had difficulty making weight for the bout. Lucia drove her into a corner with her first concerted attack, and decked her with a short left hook below the ear. The referee stopped the contest when Almager got up looking dazed. Lucia’s post-fight interview was as long as the action … she used it to make her disdain for Christy Martin painfully clear! (See the full fight report by Chuck McAllister) .

On June 25, 1998, again at Foxwoods Casino, Lucia (137 lbs) won a fourth-round TKO over Lisa Ested (141 lbs) of Virginia. As described by Brendan Bernhard of LAWeekly.com: “Ested … has no evident strategy except to throw quick flurries of punches and then tie Lucia up in a clinch while ducking her head so low that it’s almost impossible to hit her. This may qualify as a plan to avoid pain, but it isn’t going to win the fight. For a while, though, it does succeed in keeping Lucia at bay. The first two rounds go very slowly, with few punches landed. By the third, there are scattered boos from the audience. Lucia seems overcautious, and the crowd, which expects women’s fights to be wild, isn’t pleased. So far, this has been like a boring men’s match fought by women. In the third round, Lucia starts to close in, and the referee gives Ested a second warning for holding, and for keeping her head so low (it’s practically waist-high some of the time). Ested is clearly scared, and Lucia, wary of being sucker- punched, is biding her time until she gets an opening. In the fourth round she does. She lands a short left hook – the first good punch of the evening – and sends Ested down for a count. “Let’s take a walk,” referee Steve Smoger says to Ested when she gets up. “You all right? How d’you feel? Talk to me!” “I’m all right,” Ested says, blinking her eyes. “Good!” Smoger says, almost sarcastically – he obviously doesn’t think much of her chances – and waves the fight on. Twenty seconds later, Lucia lands a left-right combination that rocks Ested on her heels. With Ested cornered, Lucia lands three vicious rights to the head, loads up to land another and closes in for the kill – at which point a gallant Smoger, who seems determined to be a gentleman as well as a referee, dives between them, waves off Lucia and kisses Ested on the cheek: fight over.”

Lucia (137 1/2 lbs) won the IBO Women’s (WIBO) Junior Welterweight title when she TKO’d Marcela Acuna (135 1/4 lbs) of Argentina in the fifth round at Mohegan Sun Casino in Uncasville, CT on September 25, 1998. Acuna fell to 0-2, her other pro fight being a loss to Christy Martin. (She has since fought more successfully as a featherweight!).

On April 18, 1999 at Miccosukee Indian Gaming in Miami, Florida, Lucia (141 lbs) a third-round TKO of veteran Britt Van Buskirk (145 lbs) of Carbondale, Illinois, who took the fight a two days’ notice.

On August 28, 1999 at the Hard Rock Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas, Nevada, Lucia (138 lbs) won by a TKO of former WIBF welterweight champion Diana Dutra (139 lbs) of Vancouver, Canada at 1:23 of the third round. Las Vegas photojournalist Mary Ann Owen, who was at ringside, told thatRijker hit Dutra with tremendous power body shots. Lucia had a bloody nose and caught some of Dutra’s punches … they hugged after the fight and both were very good sports.”

Lucia was slated to fight in the co-Main Event on an America Presents card in Bay St. Louis, Mississippi on December 5th, 1999. Numerous sources told me that Denise Moraetes, who had been seeking a match with Rijker for over a year, also signed a contract for the fight. But Moraetes was told on November 29 that the match was off, making it the third time that a Rijker-Moraetes bout had been shelved at short notice.

On February 16, 2002 at Mohegan Sun Casino in Uncasville, Connecticut, Rijker finally returned to competition after a more than two-year absence with a fourth-round TKO of Shakurah Witherspoon of Williamsport, Pennsylvania in a scheduled six-round lightweight bout. Witherspoon, who took the fight at short notice after one scheduled Rijker opponent pulled out and a second tested pregnant, was in survival mode for most of the fight as Rijker attacked her with hard hooks to the body. Witherspoon went to the canvas from a right hook in the third round and dropped to her knees midway through the fourth, prompting the stoppage by referee Michael Ortega. Witherspoon fell to 9-27-1 (4 KO’s).

Rijker told Patrick Kelly of FightNews: “I had some good body work but she took some good body shots. Carla is a tough competitor and that is why we took the fight. We knew Carla would be a worthy opponent even at the last minute. I was anxious to make quick work of her. I was happy with my performance”.

On June 21, 2003 at Staples Center in Los Angeles, California, Lucia (138 lbs) reappeared again (after several more false alarms) to post a unanimous shut out (80-72,80-72,80-72) eight-round decision over a game Jane Couch (140 lbs) of Fleetwood, UK. Rijker looked confident and fought most of the bout with her hands down, while peppering Couch with strong rights, stiff jabs and vicious uppercuts. Couch stayed in front of Rijker the whole way and made her pay for her hands-low stance occasionally when she connected with hard shots of her own, some of which stunned Rijker.

Rijker landed two powerful rights to Couch’s head with about 30 seconds left in the seventh round, and when the bell sounded Couch appeared to have trouble locating her own corner. According to Couch, “I have been in with tougher punchers, but she is definitely a great fighter, probably the greatest women’s boxer in the world. She hit me with a right hand in the first round that busted my right eardrum and I couldn’t hear a thing.” Rijker complimented Couch after the fight, saying “It was a tough fight and Couch is an amazing opponent. She is a courageous woman. I tried to knock her out the whole time. I hit her with some great shots. I absolutely was trying to finish her the whole time.” Rijker advanced to 16-0-0 (14 KO) while Couch dropped to 20-5-0 (8 KO).

On May 20, 2004 at the Arena in Amsterdam, Holland, Lucia (134 1/4 lbs) won a ten-round unanimous decision over IFBA welterweight champion Sunshine Fettkether (138 1/2 lbs) of Mesa, Arizona.

At the peak of Lucia’s boxing activity In the late 1990’s, matching her with boxing’s (then) most-publicized woman, Christy Martin, looked like the one “superfight” that might move the sport up to a new level in publicity (and in compensation to the boxers, which still had a long way to go to match the men’s sport). At this time, the Martin vs. Rijker match looked intriguing because Martin could probably have tested Rijker’s defense and chin more than any of her previous opponents, and Lucia had had some problems with Chevelle Hallback’s hard-charging style early in their fight. However, the Martin camp apparently felt there was too much to lose in this matchup.

Both fighters missed the opportunity to clash while they were at their peak, bypassing the major payday that their fight might have produced. Only after Martin had been supplanted by Laila Ali as the sport’s media icon, and after a period of prolonged inactivity (and repeated fight cancellations) by Rijker, did the promotional stars align in favor of the Martin vs. Rijker matchup. The key was Rijker’s role as an advisor and as an on-screen villain in 2005’s Oscar-winning movie “Million Dollar Baby”. This sparked more interest in women’s boxing and brought some media attention back to Lucia. Bob Arum decided it was time to strike while the buzz was hot and parlayed the “winner take all” idea into “Million Dollar Lady”, a deal whereby both fighters would be guaranteed $250,000 but the winner would earn an extra $750,000 to make the first infividual million dollar payout in women’s sport history. While close to the deal that had failed to turn into a Martin-Rijker fight in 1997, it brought Rijker and Martin to sign a contract for a bout in Las Vegas on July 30, 2005.

Lucia was the subject of an award-winning documentary film about Women’s Boxing, “Shadow Boxers” by Katya Bankowski, released in 2000. New Yorker writer Hilton Als called it “as visually stunning as it is politically important, witty and humane” and the Vancouver (Canada) Sun said that “Shadow Boxers is a subtle achievement in filmmaking that reaches far beyond the screen.” After Shadow Boxers her acting career isn’t finished just yet.

In 2002 she spent 7 months in Montreal, shooting the movie Rollerball (with LL Cool J, Chris Klein, Jean Reno and Rebecca Romijn-Stamos.) In 2004 she had the chance of working together with Clint Eastwood, Hilary Swank and Morgan Freeman in Million Dollar Baby. The shooting for Lucia’s part in the movie took only 2 weeks, the end result was the one and only ‘Billie the Blue Bear’. But Lucia didn’t only act in Million Dollar Baby, she also trained Actress Hilary Swank in boxing. That’s probably why Maggie Fitzgerald (Hillary) makes such good punches, as seen on screen.

Amy Tucci

Amy Tucci

Amy C. Tucci LAWRENCEVILLE – Amy C. Tucci, nee Race, 55, died Friday at home surrounded by her loving family. Born and raised in White Township, Warren County, she was a resident of Ewing – Lawrenceville since 1972. She attended White Township elementary school and was a graduate of Belvidere High School and Trenton State College. Amy was the co-owner/co-director of the Princeton Academy of Martial Arts which was established in 1987. She was previously employed by the State of New Jersey Department of Labor and Industry. Amy was internationally known as a Martial Arts Instructor. For many years she was one of only three women certified as a full instructor of Bruce Lee’s Art of Jeet Kune Do having been trained by Bruce Lee’s best friend Dan Inosanto. She was well trained in the Martial Arts of Thai Boxing, Filipino Kali and Indonesian Silat. Amy was an inspiration and mentor to many women not only in the physical aspects of the martial arts but the spiritual and mental aspects as well. Amy was a true artist in every sense of the word. She painted and did pastels and drawings for years and even showed her works in Germany. Throughout the years she enjoyed traveling and took many vacations in Europe. In her later years she learned how to speak German, play the cello, play the drums, and horseback riding. She enjoyed life and lived life to the fullest. She is survived by Rick Tucci; her parents Samuel R. and Jean A. Race of White Township; a brother William Race of White Township; a sister and brother-in-law Carol and John Gross of Bangor, PA; a niece Keri Race of Belvidere; and her many friends and students at Princeton Academy of Martial Arts.

Friends may call 6-9 p.m. Tuesday at The Mather-Hodge Funeral Home, 40 Vandeventer Ave., Princeton. A Memorial Service will be held 8 p.m. Tuesday at the funeral home. Interment will be in Hazen Cemetery, Belvedere, at a time to be announced. Memorial contributions may be made to World Wildlife Fund at www.worldwildlife.org (888-993-9455) or Make-A-Wish Foundation at www.wish.org (866-880-1382).

TUCCI, Amy C. Of Lawrenceville. Visitation: 6-9 p.m. Tuesday at The Mather-Hodge Funeral Home, 40 Vandeventer Ave., Princeton. Memorial service: 8 p.m. Tuesday at the funeral home. Interment: Hazen Cemetery, Belvedere.