Edgar Sulite
Punong Guro Egdar Sulite is survived by his wife Felisa and their children, Dondon, Andres, Glady, Leslie and Em-em Please visit: www.lamecoeskrima.com
Inosanto Academy of Martial Arts
Punong Guro Egdar Sulite is survived by his wife Felisa and their children, Dondon, Andres, Glady, Leslie and Em-em Please visit: www.lamecoeskrima.com
Remembering Pak Herman Suwanda And Ibu Shannon on the 7th year anniversary of their passing March 21, 2000 Ibu Shannon Pendekar Guru Besar Herman Suwanda (C) 2000, pli JAGABAYA INSTRUCTOR SEMINAR 2000 Inosanto Academy, Los Angeles CA USA
Remembering Sifu Larry Hartsell It Is With Great Sadness That We Announce The Passing Of Our Beloved Friend Larry Benjamin Hartsell August 15, 1942 – August 20, 2007 For over 40 years Larry filled our life with love and laughter. His loyalty and dedication to his family, teacher, students and friends was unparalleled. A true … Read more
The Filipino Martial Art community mourns the loss of one of the greatest bladed warriors of the 20-century. Grand Master Emeritus Leo M. Giron the founder of the world-renowned Bahala Na Filipino Martial Arts Association passed away on May 21, 2002 due to a heart condition. Leovigildo “Leo” Miguel Giron was born in Bayambang a … Read more
What Makes A Man Rich: A Story About The Richest Man I’ve Known: Sifu Terry Gibson written by Harley Elmore I was watching a movie yesterday about a brave warrior who fought a very long, hard battle and had been mortally wounded in the fight. He soon came to the realization that all he owned … Read more